Proudly Serving the Citizens of Beaufort County, South Carolina

For emergencies, call 9-1-1

Proudly serving the residents and visitors of Beaufort County, South Carolina

For emergencies, call 9-1-1

File a Complaint Against an Employee

The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office takes all reports of employee misconduct seriously. If you have a concern about a member of our staff or believe that a member of our staff has not conducted themselves appropriately, please fill out the below form. 

For questions regarding our Office of Professional Responsibility, please email Chief Deputy Michael Hatfield at [email protected].

PLEASE NOTE: Section 16-17-722 of the South Carolina Code of Laws 1976, as amended, makes it a criminal offense to knowingly file or cause to be made or filed, a false or misleading report, allegation or complaint with a law enforcement agency.