Proudly Serving the Citizens of Beaufort County, South Carolina

For emergencies, call 9-1-1

Proudly serving the residents and visitors of Beaufort County, South Carolina

For emergencies, call 9-1-1

E911 Addressing

The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for assigning uniform and proper street names and addresses in all the unincorporated areas of the county.

The Official Road Name and Structure Numbering Map are maintained jointly by the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office and the Beaufort County Geographic Information System Department. The Sheriff’s Office has final authority for road name validity and address placement.

This data is stored in the Beaufort County GIS System.

E911 Addressing Data Manager

Nichole Breton
[email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

This emergency communications system automatically displays the address of a caller in the 9-1-1 Dispatch Center.

If a caller is unable to communicate, the dispatcher will know where to send help. This is particularly important for situations in which a caller can’t talk, does not speak English, becomes unconscious, hangs up or does not know their location (such as out-of-state visitors).

Addresses are typically assigned every 50 feet.

Do not be alarmed if the address you are assigned is several numbers off from your neighbors’ numbers as this is an allowance made for potential future development.

There are also some occasions in which addresses may need to be changed. For instance, if the zoning laws change, allowing for smaller lots in an area and people decide to subdivide, there might not be enough numbers left in the scheme and re-addressing might occur.

This is a rare occurrence, but it is very important to comply with the change as soon as possible so first-responders can reach you in the event of an emergency.

In the event of an emergency, first-responders will be able to reach you more efficiently.

Addresses are obtained in many different ways.

Property addresses are usually already assigned at the point of purchase.

In the case of planned subdivisions, addresses are assigned during the planning stages and are already in place when builders begin construction.

If you are building for the first time or placing another structure on your property that requires an address, you may apply for one at the Beaufort County E911 Addressing Center on the second floor of the Law Enforcement Center at 2001 Duke St. in Beaufort.

  • All land subdivisions that create a new road or road section in any jurisdiction within the county must submit preliminary and final plats, prior to recording, to the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office for road name approval.

  • All multi-unit and multi-structure developments must submit the final site plan, for unit numbering, to the Sheriff’s Office prior to recording.

  • All individual new structures on existing roads must apply for a 9-1-1 address prior to building/structure placement.

Numbering systems and standards for the municipal jurisdictions of the City of Beaufort, the Town of Port Royal, the Town of Bluffton, and the Town of Hilton Head have been established and are maintained by each jurisdiction.

Street names for incorporated municipal areas are also approved by Sheriff’s Office to avoid street name duplication.

  • The address numbers must be placed on your home or business and on the mailbox within 21 days of its assignment.

  • Numbers must be a minimum of 3 inches tall and be conspicuously place above or beside the appropriate door and be clearly visible from the street.

  • If the structure is more than 50 feet from the road, the number must also be posted near the walk, driveway, gatepost, fence or common entrance as to be clearly seen from the roadway.